Monday, February 27, 2012

You too can Quit Smoking - Some information to help

I have faith that if you really want to quit you can! I know it may seem like you never will. I remember quitting on at least four separate occasions before I actually quit for good. Being a person of faith I will say that praying about quitting smoking helped me immensely. I am praying for all who read this blog that they will be able to quit smoking.

So, you should now have your list of reasons to quit and have it somewhere you can read it regularly. You may want to add more lists with more reasons in other places – like the car, the bedroom mirror, on your desk at work, in your calendar and any other places you look frequently. I know we all know the dangers of smoking as it is very prominent on the news and many other sources. You need to have some of this information in your quiver of motivation to quit! Smoking can cause damage to all the organs of the body – not just the lungs.

The American Lung Association reports that every year 392,000 die from smoking related illnesses, making it the leading cause of preventable death. Let this sink in.

Quitting smoking is the number one way to prevent your death!
You would never think of consuming some of the products in cigarettes such as:
a. Acetone - which is found in nail polish
b. Led - used in batteries
c. Arsenic – used in rat poison
d. Cadmium – component in battery acid
e. Carbon Monoxide – product of car exhaust
f. Lead – we know this is very harmful to children
g. Tar - used for paving roads
h. And many more. There are over 600 ingredients that when burned create 4,000 chemicals.

Tobacco is as addictive as heroin as a mood and behavior altering agent. In a University of Minnesota Study they report:

Nicotine is 1000 times more potent than alcohol
Nicotine is 10-100 time more potent than barbiturates
Nicotine is 5-10 times more potent than cocaine or morphine

A smoker takes in 200 to 400 puffs a day for years. This constant intake of fast acting drug, which affects mood, concentration and performance eventually, produces dependence. Let this information sink in. You will need to be able to recall this information along the path to quitting. I needed to keep telling myself “why” it was good for me to go through the process of quitting smoking. For more information please see the websites below.

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