Saturday, April 14, 2012


What is normal for bowel movements? Normal can range from 3 movements per day to three movements per week. Therefore, before you can determine if constipation is the issue, you must determine what the normal is for that person. Constipation includes infrequent, difficult or incomplete bowel movements.

Defining characteristics of constipation include:
1. A decrease in one’s typical frequency of bowel movements
2. Hard, pellet like stools
3. Straining to have a bowel movement
4. Bowel movements are infrequent and hard to pass

What are the causes of constipation?
1. Inadequate hydration – not drinking enough fluids (8 glasses per day 8 ounces each glass)
2. Inadequate fiber in the diet – lack of fiber (bulk) makes it so there is not much to move through the intestines.
3. Lack of activity – particularly for the ill and elderly
4. Ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement
5. Medications – in particular pain medications, antidepressants, Blood pressure medications, antihistamines, Parkinson’s medications, anti-diarrhea medications and others always read the medication information provided by the pharmacy
6. Other conditions such as pregnancy or travel
7. Obstructions of the bowels – such as cancer, strictures, adhesions, diverticulosis, and others
8. Other medical conditions
Severe constipation can be a true medical emergency and even require surgery depending on the cause. I will do another blog on treatment of constipation.